An upper eyelid correction is performed under local anesthesia. Prior to the procedure, photos are taken for the medical file. The doctor then draws off the excess skin tissue and checks whether this is correct.
This is followed by anesthesia. This is placed (pricked) in the skin above the eyes. When the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor will start cutting away the marked tissue. This is followed by the electrical burning away (based on coagulation) of excess skin tissue.
If necessary during the procedure, excess fat is also removed. After the upper eyelid correction, the skin is sutured with a continuous subcutaneous suture without knots. After closing the wound, the opportunity is given to cool to reduce swelling.
After the procedure you are not allowed to drive yourself for health and insurance reasons.
The stitches are removed after 6 or 7 days. We will see you again 3 months after the procedure for a follow-up check.
What is Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty Definition
A surgical lower eyelid correction can be performed in two ways. With only excess skin, a subtle incision is made in the eyelash edge, after which fat and excess skin are removed. However, a weakened muscle is often the culprit of (fat) bags. When this is the case, the muscle must be tightened by means of a canthopexy.
The operation in short:
– The excess tissue is marked off;
– The area is covered with sterile cloths;
– A local anesthetic is applied;
– The excess skin is cut away;
– The veins are cauterized to stop bleeding;
– The muscle is tightened and tightened again (canthopexy)
– The wound is sutured;
– Immediately after the procedure you will be given the opportunity to cool down.
After the procedure you are not allowed to drive yourself for health and insurance reasons.
After about 7 days, the sutures and adhesive plasters are removed. We will see you again 3 months after the procedure for a follow-up check.
Blepharoplasty in Turkey
Blepharoplasty operation was not as widely preferred as other aesthetic operations until 10 years ago. Both the relatively low demand in this area and the limited use of modernized techniques could be cited as some of the factors that triggered this. But the situation has now completely changed. Turkey has become one of the leading countries in the sector in blepharoplasty and has a very successful health tourism report. If you want to get information about the blepharoplasty operation and have a healthy, beautiful-looking face, you can contact Estenuvo.
Types of Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty operation can be defined as an aesthetic operation with 2 different categories: lower blepharoplasty and upper blepharoplasty. As the name suggests, one of them is related to the upper eyelid, while the other is an aesthetic operation that focuses entirely on the lower eyelid. Although the purpose of both is similar, both can be processed depending on the situation.
Things to Consider Before and After Blepharoplasty
Since the blepharoplasty operation is an operation that directly affects the eyelids, you may be expected to be sensitive about some issues that affect your daily life before and after the operation. For this reason, you should carefully follow the instructions that your doctor has created for you.
Complications After Blepharoplasty
Our specialists have performed countless eyelid corrections and can give you the best advice in every situation. In almost all cases, a reassuring conversation is enough. So don’t hesitate to call if you have any concerns.
Although it is very rare, complications can sometimes occur after eyelid surgery. The following complaints may arise after the correction:
– Bleeding
– Scar formation
– Inflammation or swelling of the eyelid
– Insensitivity (numbness) of the eyelid margin
– Asymmetry
– Cysts (usually disappear on their own within 3 months)
– Dehydration because the eye no longer closes properly
If one of these complaints arises, please contact Estenuvo. We are happy to help you treat the complications as quickly as possible.
How is Blepharoplasty Surgery Done?
During an eyelid correction we provide an open and awake look. For this, the excess skin of the upper eyelid is removed (eye lift), the eye muscle is shortened or fat tissue in the eyelids is moved or removed. With all treatments we strive for a result that is as natural as possible.
What is the Blepharoplasty Recovery Time?
An eyelid correction is very effective to remedy complaints and give you a fresh, youthful look. The result is visible quite quickly.
Often after removing the stitches after 6-7 days, people are already very happy with their new mirror image. However, there is still swelling and fluid around the eyes.
The best result can be seen three months after the operation. That is why you are welcome for a follow-up check. After photos are taken and these are compared with the photos before the operation.
With an eyelid correction, the wound is sutured with a continuous subcutaneous suture without knots. The stitches are removed after 6 or 7 days. This is very easy because no knots are made. The suture can be pulled out in one movement. With a lower eyelid correction, some support sutures can sometimes be placed that need to be cut.
The treated skin will be vulnerable and sensitive during the first weeks after the treatment. It is not possible (and allowed) to participate in traffic immediately after treatment, so you must arrange transport home. Even if you feel good, it is not useful from an insurance point of view.
The following complaints are normal after an eyelid correction and are not a cause for concern:
– Redness, swelling and bruising
– Slight after-pain
– Blurred vision (the first days)
– Red/pink exudate
– Bumpy scar
Blepharoplasty Cost
Blepharoplasty price is a type of operation that has different pricing scales in each country. As a matter of fact, a similar situation with other aesthetic operations also applies here: the price of the operation should not be considered purely. The general economic situation of the country, the exchange rate difference and other financial conditions are some of the factors that affect the financing of the time, accommodation and similar activities you will spend there. Therefore, it may be misleading for you to base only the operation pricing. Turkey and Estenuvo offer Europe’s most affordable blepharoplasty operation with the highest quality additional services. You can contact us for more information.